Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What a day!...

Another day...and what a day! We arrived at the hospital for the liver biopsy at 10:00 and spent the next 2 hours filling out papers, doing a blood work up and waiting... for an hour to get the OK to start from the lab. Finally the lab said go! (his blood was "thick" enough to allow the biopsy.)

I sat in the small room adjacent to the CT scan room where they took Robin to pass him through the scan and set the needle in the right spot to get the right sample. The technicians were in and out of the door many times and after the doctor arrived...in and out of the door a few more times and then at 12:30 the doctor announced...OK we're ready to get the biopsy. What! I couldn't imagine what had taken so long. The "spot" was on the inner side of the liver and they had had to push the needle all the way through the liver to get the "piece" they wanted. By the time they emerged saying..."It's done!" We had been there 3 hours.

Robin was in such pain he was not able to lie still or be prepared to go home. I couldn't think how I was going to take him home and care for him yet. He was moved to a recovery area and his nurse continued to watch over him. I was able to give him some crackers and water with 2 of his Vicoden pills but that didn't reach the pain. Finally the nurse gave him a pain shot of Demerol and phenogren and he was able to settle down. An hour later, at 3:30, he was wheeled out to our car and we headed the few blocks home.

Heather was there waiting for us and April arrived, from school, shortly after. They saw us settled and left us to rest. As the pain shot wore off Robin was restless and tense again. April suggested a blessing and he was desiring one. She called Matthew at work and he called Richard at his work and they quickly showed up. How blessed we are to have them come and comfort their Father with loving words and a priesthood blessing. As Robin relaxed back into a restful sleep we sat around him and quietly visited and gave each other comfort.

It has now been over 4 hours since they all left...(April came back to deliver me some dinner...) and we both have been sleeping in our Lazy boys with the TV on low....our best spots for a nap.

I hope the rest of the night goes peacefully.

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